हल्दीराम द्वारा जेवर में 90 एकड़ में होने वाले वृक्षारोपण का कार्य शुरू

उत्तरप्रदेश गौतम बुद्ध नगर ◽ हल्दीराम एवं जिला प्रशासन के बीच जेवर में 90 एकड़ में होने वाले वृक्षारोपण का कार्य शुरू देखें विस्तृत रिपोर्ट👇🏾 A brief report on Plantation at Jewar ;

Under Corporate  Social Responsibility  program, the DM, Gautam Buddha nagar arranged  90 acres of land for afforestation by  Haldiram Corporate group . The MoU was signed on 4th September 2019. Since best period of the rains had  already gone past for the year, the project was started at breakneck speed. 
The land is situated at Jewar  on Delhi - Agra Yamuna express way. First plot, A, measuring approximately 25 acres has been fenced and plantation completed. 

Traditional Indian plants (5000)     like Jamun, Neem, Pipal, Pilkhan, Palash, Bargad, Arjun, Gular, Kaitha, Anjir, Semal, Sheesham,  with a sprinkling of desi Kikar and Baheda have been planted. To further strengthen the boundary fence  and make it impregnable for cattle, bamboo and bougainvillea have been placed  along with it.

 The land is with  Haldiram Corporate group for 10 years, and it is sincerely hoped  that in this period a  multi culture,  diverse forest will be created adjoining Yamuna riverpan. 

Horticulture staff with a local supervisor has been earmarked to regularly irrigate the plants and keep a tab on their health. Prof. C.R. Babu,  an acclaimed environmentalist has been guiding the venture. 

The remaining two parts of land will be taken care of  in next spring and rains.

मेट्रोयुग हिंदी मासिक
मेल: gnfocus@gmail.com  कॉल: 8826634380